(13-11-2022, 08:57 PM)crispy Wrote: [ -> ]this is the purest form of anger i have ever seen
She looks like she was charging up a special attack like in dragon ball.
(13-11-2022, 08:57 PM)crispy Wrote: [ -> ]this is the purest form of anger i have ever seen
Reminds me of my cousin when she was super young. For some reason, she would get very angry like that quite often. Strangely enough, she's a chill lady now.
Self-reminder not to eat too much during the upcoming holiday period.
(13-11-2022, 08:57 PM)crispy Wrote: [ -> ]this is the purest form of anger i have ever seen
Hahhahaha her face when she realised she couldn't win.
More animal-related funnies.