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Full Version: Daily laughter thread
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(13-11-2022, 08:57 PM)crispy Wrote: [ -> ]this is the purest form of anger i have ever seen Laugh

She looks like she was charging up a special attack like in dragon ball. Big Smile
(13-11-2022, 08:57 PM)crispy Wrote: [ -> ]this is the purest form of anger i have ever seen Laugh

Reminds me of my cousin when she was super young. For some reason, she would get very angry like that quite often. Strangely enough, she's a chill lady now. Laugh
(14-11-2022, 08:40 PM)MooMooBird Wrote: [ -> ]She looks like she was charging up a special attack like in dragon ball. Big Smile

hahahahhaha good description Laugh

[Image: HU97AbW.jpg]
Self-reminder not to eat too much during the upcoming holiday period. Big Smile

[Image: sowT5o7.jpg]
So accurate Big Smile

[Image: p4D2idH.jpg]
(13-11-2022, 08:57 PM)crispy Wrote: [ -> ]this is the purest form of anger i have ever seen Laugh

Hahhahaha her face when she realised she couldn't win.
(24-11-2022, 06:10 PM)canary1990 Wrote: [ -> ]So accurate Big Smile

[Image: Eu3ZpOz.jpg]

[Image: bhMaEmf.jpg]
More animal-related funnies. Big Smile

[Image: zih0iiC.jpg]
(03-12-2022, 09:26 PM)mich.c Wrote: [ -> ]More animal-related funnies. Big Smile

tts cuteĀ Laugh
Online activism. Laugh

[Image: Rsh006O.jpg]