Anybody actually looking forward to returning to the office?
(28-11-2021, 10:14 PM)Icicle Wrote:
(24-11-2021, 05:49 PM)berry_good Wrote:
(16-11-2021, 11:27 PM)NewtonsAdamsApple Wrote: Yes. I think being monitored at home is way out of line for any employer. Seems like something Amazon would do to their factory workers, e.g. monitoring their every move and even restricting their bathroom break time to maximise productivity.

lol you were saying?

Quote:Your Boss Cares - So Is Going To Monitor Your Feelings With AI

Quote:Emotion AI or affective computing combines cameras and other devices with AI programs to capture facial expressions, body language, vocal intonation, and other cues. 

Quote:The goal is to go beyond facial recognition and identification to reveal something previously invisible to technology: the inner feelings, motivations and attitudes of the people in the images.

From a Scientific American article via

Scared Scared

Hopefully this technology comes after I retire.
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RE: Anybody actually looking forward to returning to the office? - by totoro08 - 30-11-2021, 05:44 PM

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