Sharing cute and funny videos of animals
This is a heartwarming story of a lady who takes care of abandoned kittens. She took in Chester when he was still a kitten but he fell very ill soon after. The lady made a promise to Chester—if he recovered, she'd stay with him forever. And...he got better! Now, Chester acts as a big brother to all the foster kittens that pass through the lady's home.

This post is also a tribute to Panther and the other community cats of Boon Lay who lost their lives because of that 10yo boy...RIP.
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  • ylhs97, ScornfulScone, mich.c, monstafish, Limfamily, vince95, canary1990,, Autumnn, mesmerise, jenzz, Icicle, berry_good, totoro08, plmx
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RE: Sharing cute and funny videos of animals - by Kurihara - 24-12-2022, 02:27 PM

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