The prettiest sandwiches in the world?
(19-12-2021, 07:58 PM)shiv Wrote:
(19-12-2021, 12:37 AM)jenzz Wrote:
(18-12-2021, 08:20 PM)canary1990 Wrote: I saw a video on Youtube about this fruit seller in Japan who decided to start selling fruit sandwiches. He uses a lot of cream and sliced fruits to make these beautiful sandwiches!

They are quite pricey at around 1000 yen (I think) but looking at the amount of work that goes into each sandwich...maybe worth it?

the sandwich in the top right corner looks so pretty! but yah 1000 yen abit too much LOL.

Maybe a little expensive for personal consumption but I think they'd make nice gifts if you're visiting family or friends.

yes tts true! i will be very happy to receive such beautiful gifts!
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RE: The prettiest sandwiches in the world? - by jenzz - 19-12-2021, 08:14 PM

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