Daily laughter thread
(30-09-2024, 12:12 PM)Autumnn Wrote: So true. But what happens when your colleagues start using neuralink and they outperform you at work? Then you get pressured to also get it just to keep up... Scared

and then employers will give priority to neuralinked candidates so even more pressure to get it.
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[Image: hk7cQCg.jpeg]

[Image: m4UkX6T.jpeg]

[Image: gFm6r1A.jpeg]
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(01-10-2024, 03:44 PM)edwang Wrote: and then employers will give priority to neuralinked candidates so even more pressure to get it.

So true. Sounds like a terrifying sci-fi scenario. Our children's generation will probably have to deal with it at some point in their lives.
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(01-10-2024, 08:19 PM)crispy Wrote: [Image: m4UkX6T.jpeg]

LOL. Laugh
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(04-10-2024, 05:32 PM)berry_good Wrote: LOL. Laugh

It really does look like one of those prison recipes that inmates come up with haha.
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(05-10-2024, 02:20 PM)adrenalinn Wrote: It really does look like one of those prison recipes that inmates come up with haha.

Lol I just did a search for prison recipes and it's amazing how versatile instant noodles are, not just as noodles but also crushed into paste for burritos and pizzas.
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Nice meme from across the causeway. Big Smile

[Image: gh5NkuT.jpeg]

[Image: sMQciSd.jpeg]

[Image: o9GP8ll.jpeg]
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(07-10-2024, 10:27 PM)membrain Wrote: Nice meme from across the causeway. Big Smile

[Image: gh5NkuT.jpeg]

Hahahahah really looks like him.
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(09-10-2024, 05:06 PM)kxingstar Wrote: Hahahahah really looks like him.

Freddie Mercury was Indian after all.
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(07-10-2024, 10:27 PM)membrain Wrote: [Image: o9GP8ll.jpeg]

Walao this is really a disaster in the making.
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