Daily laughter thread
(26-10-2024, 05:11 PM)membrain Wrote: [Image: 2aIoBr7.jpeg]

hahahah is this our generation's version of keeping a remote control in its original plastic wrapping?
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(28-10-2024, 08:42 PM)crispy Wrote: hahahah is this our generation's version of keeping a remote control in its original plastic wrapping?

Damn bro...
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(28-10-2024, 08:42 PM)crispy Wrote: hahahah is this our generation's version of keeping a remote control in its original plastic wrapping?

i used to laugh at the older generation for doing this but the younger ones are now laughing at me for keeping handphone boxes... -_-
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[Image: Mbav5vi.jpeg]

[Image: j8NZkuL.jpeg]

[Image: Md2YyWz.jpeg]
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(03-11-2024, 08:35 PM)crispy Wrote: [Image: j8NZkuL.jpeg]

Hahah I've been seeing this bass guitar on display in that Peninsula Plaza guitar shop for decades.
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(05-11-2024, 09:18 PM)quiksilver Wrote: Hahah I've been seeing this bass guitar on display in that Peninsula Plaza guitar shop for decades.

i know exactly which one u're talking abt. Laugh
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(03-11-2024, 08:35 PM)crispy Wrote: [Image: Md2YyWz.jpeg]

"grizzly bear conflict manager" is certainly one way to sanitise the nature of the job...
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(07-11-2024, 09:45 PM)krustyyy08 Wrote: "grizzly bear conflict manager" is certainly one way to sanitise the nature of the job...

And it also has 800+ applicants.
[-] The following 2 locals thanked mich.c for this post:
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(10-11-2024, 04:57 PM)mich.c Wrote: And it also has 800+ applicants.

This is true. I have to sift through the applicants for my company and every posting seems to attract hundreds of resumes and we're a small company some more. Can't imagine how it's like for the larger and more well known ones...
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(12-11-2024, 04:54 PM)kxingstar Wrote: This is true. I have to sift through the applicants for my company and every posting seems to attract hundreds of resumes and we're a small company some more. Can't imagine how it's like for the larger and more well known ones...

bcos we are now truly competing with the rest of the world for jobs now.
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