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Full Version: Sharing cute and funny videos of animals
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(12-12-2021, 02:43 PM)ghettomotto Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-12-2021, 12:16 AM)membrain Wrote: [ -> ]I shared Aty the otter's channel in the laughter thread a while ago. 
Wish to share the latest video from him. He falls asleep but gets awakened by thunder. Trust me, he's super cute in this one.

2:01 onwards for impatient viewers. Smile

Hahaha that's very relatable. Reminds me of when I had to wake up for school at 6 am in the morning.

yah this otter really remind me of when my son had to wake up early in the morning  Big Smile
thx for sharing these animal videos!  Like i watched them with my little girl and she just said she wants to work with animals in the future, especially otters. shes still a long way from deciding on her career but i tink its still nice that shes inspired now. Smile
(13-12-2021, 12:02 AM)Autumnn Wrote: [ -> ]thx for sharing these animal videos!  Like i watched them with my little girl and she just said she wants to work with animals in the future, especially otters. shes still a long way from deciding on her career but i tink its still nice that shes inspired now. Smile

That's so great to hear! 

We'll probably need more otter experts in the future if their population keeps increasing. Big Smile
So...I chanced upon this channel of a Turkish vet and his kitty and doggy patients.

Ladies, even if you're not into animals, you'll probably find other reasons to enjoy this channel. Suggestive

(14-12-2021, 10:28 PM)AroyMakMak Wrote: [ -> ]So...I chanced upon this channel of a Turkish vet and his kitty and doggy patients.

Ladies, even if you're not into animals, you'll probably find other reasons to enjoy this channel. Suggestive

This channel is like an early Christmas gift for me. Cheeky
We all know dogs have guilty faces after being caught doing something they shouldn't be doing.
But what about otters?

...looks like they don't feel guilty at all. -_-
Wait for the corgi to take a leap into the water... Laugh

(18-12-2021, 06:40 PM)AroyMakMak Wrote: [ -> ]Wait for the corgi to take a leap into the water... Laugh

omg those short legs! Laugh Laugh Laugh
(05-12-2021, 07:32 PM)NewtonsAdamsApple Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-12-2021, 06:16 PM)Kurihara Wrote: [ -> ]
(30-11-2021, 10:32 PM)jenzz Wrote: [ -> ]i juz realise there are soooo many youtube channels of pet otters!! i hope they are taking good care of the otters and not juz using them for youtube views..

Yup I worry about that too. Sometimes I'm wondering if I'm contributing to the increase in popularity of otters as youtube pets when I watch such channels.
Otters are very difficult pets to keep. They're socially demanding and require a lot of exercise, preferably a lot of swimming time.

As you can see from this video, they're also very good at opening all kinds of drawers and doors so that's another layer of challenge for people who own pet otters. Good thing we're not allowed to keep otters as pets in Singapore.

Waiting for the day when our local otters go into 7/11 to steal sandwiches. Big Smile

if they can use vending machines (See vid), i think they can steal sandwiches too Smile

(21-12-2021, 08:05 PM)berry_good Wrote: [ -> ]if they can use vending machines (See vid), i think they can steal sandwiches too Smile

i love love love short cute animal vids like this Big Smile Heart
heres another one for kitty lovers