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Full Version: Sharing cute and funny videos of animals
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(17-04-2024, 11:19 AM)canary1990 Wrote: [ -> ]Capybaras are known to be the most chill creatures in the world but even they have their limits. Big Smile Luckily, even this "big fight" seems to be quite tame.

Haha even though the "fight" was more like a mild squabble, I'm still glad they don't really behave this way towards humans. They aren't exactly harmlessly small creatures. Smile
(18-04-2024, 02:00 PM)Kurihara Wrote: [ -> ]Haha even though the "fight" was more like a mild squabble, I'm still glad they don't really behave this way towards humans. They aren't exactly harmlessly small creatures. Smile

Yah hahaha capybaras are definitely not small. Another animal that I'm glad are herbivorous. 

Here's another video I wanna share. Probably one of the cutest ones I've seen in some time.

(20-04-2024, 09:08 PM)canary1990 Wrote: [ -> ]Here's another video I wanna share. Probably one of the cutest ones I've seen in some time.

That's mega cute, like some Disney or Pixar plot. A corgi defies all odds to become a police dog. Heart
Can geckos be cute too? Big Smile

(20-04-2024, 09:08 PM)canary1990 Wrote: [ -> ]Here's another video I wanna share. Probably one of the cutest ones I've seen in some time.

I LOVE THIS. Really very Pixar like what mesmerise said. Heart

(24-04-2024, 01:57 PM)totoro08 Wrote: [ -> ]Can geckos be cute too? Big Smile

This is very cute too! First time I've found a lizard cute. Laugh
(24-04-2024, 01:57 PM)totoro08 Wrote: [ -> ]Can geckos be cute too? Big Smile

Yes. Absolutely.
Yet another friendly and fluffy stray cat from the streets of Turkey. I'm starting to think it might be a dream destination for cat lovers.

(28-04-2024, 03:43 PM)Kurihara Wrote: [ -> ]Yet another friendly and fluffy stray cat from the streets of Turkey. I'm starting to think it might be a dream destination for cat lovers.

hmm cat tourism might be a gd idea. ppl alr travel to africa for safari so why not?
(29-04-2024, 06:47 AM)monstafish Wrote: [ -> ]hmm cat tourism might be a gd idea. ppl alr travel to africa for safari so why not?

I guess that's not a bad comparison. Cat tourism is just a very pocket-friendly version of a safari then. Smile
Ever wondered what it's like to be a cat? Here's a very cool POV video of a cat roaming around his roof and backyard.