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  Animals and nature videos/pics (not cute or funny)
Posted by: vince95 - 12-03-2022, 11:26 PM - Forum: Pets, Animals, and Plants - Replies (38)

i saw this amazing video of a gigantic crocodile eating a SHARK in Australia and I want to share it with you guys. its obviously not cute or funny so it does not really fit into the "Sharing cute and funny videos of animals" thread, so im starting a new one for people who like wildlife documentaries and such.

if you decide to post anything thats especially bloody or violent, do provide a warning.

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  Best Singaporean foods (as voted by Singaporeans)
Posted by: totoro08 - 12-03-2022, 02:43 PM - Forum: Food and Cooking - Replies (4)

[Image: mZDzsED.jpg]

[Image: 99f1QaR.jpg]

No surprise to see chicken rice, nasi lemak, and prata at the top. But I'm surprised to see fishball soup so high. Also surprised that cheng tng and frog porridge so low.

Your thoughts?

(Inspired by NewtonsAdamsApple's post.)

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  Study Group - upper primary school children
Posted by: AngelineOer - 09-03-2022, 10:20 PM - Forum: Meet Up - No Replies

Know any children (from needy family) who needs help in their studies?

Wanted to set up a tuition group to help these children on a weekly basis.

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  Morning walk on Saturdays
Posted by: AngelineOer - 09-03-2022, 10:15 PM - Forum: Meet Up - Replies (5)

Join us for Morning walk every Saturdays ??‍♀️??‍♂️

⏰: 7.30am
?: meet at Blk 990 KNS ☕ shop or
?: meet at Blk 666A void deck 

?: Jurong Lake Gardens / NTU lake garden /Green Corridor/ Upper/lower Pierce Reservoirs/ Singapore Discovery Centre etc (different location every Sat)

?: bring your water bottle and ezlink card

Pioneer OTICA walk a jog team

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  Looking for Admin Assistant
Posted by: AngelineOer - 09-03-2022, 10:08 PM - Forum: Careers and Jobs - No Replies




Staying in Boon Lay and Jurong preferred
Email cv to: [email protected]

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  Mysterious. A rock that imprisoned a legendary Japanese demon has cracked open.
Posted by: totoro08 - 08-03-2022, 03:21 PM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (3)

Yes I know it's a weird story but I found it interesting.

It all started when a Japanese Twitter user @Lily0727K discovered that the rock that was said that imprison a demon spirit has cracked open. According to the legend, the demon's release will mean tragedy for the world. Shocked 

[Image: pBu9M30.png]

[Image: xOO5HgS.png]

Below is how the rock looked before cracking open.

[Image: gF3I8ns.jpg]


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  Helping parents reduce their children's screen time
Posted by: berry_good - 07-03-2022, 04:22 PM - Forum: Family and Education - Replies (8)

Some of the recommendations include:

  • No screen time (e.g. tablets, phones, computers) 30 minutes before bed
  • Absolutely no screen time for infants below 18 months old
  • Less than one hour of screen time per day for children above 18 months old
  • Avoid screen time during meals

From https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/h...-schoolers. Also refer to https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/p...e-exposure.

Personally I think this is good advice, but it's quite difficult for many parents like me who have to work and take care of children at the same time. Sometimes I don't know what else I can do to keep the children occupied so I just turn on the iPad for them to use. 

For many of us, giving the kids a tablet solves a problem in the short term but may cause long term problems that we aren't aware of. So it's good that there is more attention given to this topic. 

Any parents with advice on managing screen time for children, please share! Smile

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  The T Project is raising funds. Will you help?
Posted by: arthur - 06-03-2022, 03:40 AM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (3)

The T Project is a social service that’s been supporting local transgender individuals for the last 8 years. They provide temporary shelter for homeless transgender individuals, which gives them some precious stability as they regain their independence.

[Image: dJoANUT.jpg]

The organisation also distributes food rations to non-resident transgender individuals.
[Image: QS4o8cv.jpg]
In recognition of The T Project’s work, Minister Shanmugam and Minister Sun Xueling have visited the shelter.

[Image: pT9vMeB.jpg]
[Image: 6VXc7Vq.jpg]

I’ve previously worked with their founder, June Chua (you can see her in the photos above), and I know she runs an honest social service. In other words, I’m confident that your donations will go directly towards the food, shelter, and other forms of support for the transgender individuals in need.

The T Project is looking to raise $20,000 so they can continue their good work. They’ve already made nice progress towards that goal but let’s do our part to move them even closer to their target.

Make your contribution on their Give.asia page. 100% of your donation goes straight to The T Project; Give.asia doesn’t collect any platform fees. Any amount you give will go a long way.

To find out more about The T Project, you may visit their website. If you have any questions, feel free to post here and I’ll invite June and her team to personally answer them.

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  Please think carefully before getting a pet
Posted by: Kurihara - 02-03-2022, 04:57 PM - Forum: Pets, Animals, and Plants - Replies (3)

TODAY reports a rise in pet abandonment in the past 5 years

Most of these pet abandonment cases involve cats. 

I think it's partly because cats are technically not allowed as pets in HDB units, so when cat owners living in HDB get "caught" by government officers, they have little choice but to abandon the cats. So if you're thinking of getting a pet cat, please take into consideration the possibility of getting caught.

While it's true that many abandoned cats still get taken care of by cat lovers in the neighbourhood, it costs a lot of money for them to do so. Additionally, abandoned cats face the risk of getting eaten by wild dogs or pythons. Sad

Having a pet is wonderful but just remember that it comes along with its own responsibilities and costs.

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  Vlogger escapes Ukraine on a train
Posted by: shiv - 28-02-2022, 10:56 PM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (5)

I thought some of you may be interested to see how things were like in Ukraine.

It's sad to see how many Ukrainians are forced to leave their homes. At the same time, it's also an interesting look at how human beings behave in a situation like this. Everyone is nervous but some people try to keep it light-hearted. Many people escaping with their beloved pets. People helping each other. Like

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