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  American teacher claims she was fired for not acknowledging student's cat identity
Posted by: ScornfulScone - 20-01-2022, 04:36 PM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (5)

Okay the source of this article is not exactly a "verified" news outlet so let's take this with a pinch of salt...

A substitute teacher in the US claims that she was fired by her school because she didn't meow back at a student who identifies as a cat.

Read more and watch the teacher's allegations on https://thepostmillennial.com/teacher-al...tudent-cat.

Should the teacher have simply played along with the boy's identity? Was the school too paranoid about negative PR? Does a boy have the right to identify as a cat? Does the boy have the right to impose his identity on everyone else?

This is such a weird news story but I'm interested to read what you guys think.

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  Lost and found
Posted by: niynaux - 18-01-2022, 08:36 AM - Forum: Notice Board - Replies (4)

Hi all

just wondering if anyone found a purple youtrip card this morning on the way to Boon Lay MRT?

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  What's up with the "preferred pronouns" in people's work email signatures?
Posted by: DennisTheMenace - 17-01-2022, 09:21 PM - Forum: Careers and Jobs - Replies (5)

Not sure if you all have also encountered this, but I noticed some people stating their preferred pronouns in their email signatures. Most of the time, it's just a woman putting "She/her", which is like duh, of course. Is there a trend I'm missing? Was there ever a serious problem with people getting referred to by a wrong pronoun? Do I have to state "He/him" with every email I send out now?

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  any skateboarders? (16+)
Posted by: ecco2k - 15-01-2022, 10:02 PM - Forum: Meet Up - No Replies

wassup, im 18m, been skating for some time already but havnt really made much progress, was wondering if anyone around the area would be down to skate together to cruise or practice tricks n stuff? hmu!  ???

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  The story of Bob, the BBFA otter
Posted by: Kurihara - 13-01-2022, 12:30 AM - Forum: Pets, Animals, and Plants - Replies (22)

Bob is an otter living in Loutre otter cafe in Kyoto, Japan. He becoming quite popular on Loutre's YouTube channel not just because he's cute but also because of his backstory. Bob is the ultimate underdog (or underotter).

He was named after Bob the Minion because like the cartoon character, Bob the otter is kinda chunky.

[Image: gPWdWxN.jpg]

In this video, you can see Bob struggling to reach food pellets placed on his back because of how chunky he is.  Heart

Bob also has a very short and fat tail. The next video compares his tail to Oage's. (Oage is another male otter living in the cafe. He's a big part of Bob's backstory.)

(To be continued in next post...)

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  Japanese longkang so clean that koi fish are living in them
Posted by: ScornfulScone - 06-01-2022, 11:07 PM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (11)

I saw this recently and I'm so fascinated. There are some towns in Japan that have such clean drains that expensive-looking koi fish live in them!

[Image: 3y4S58H.jpg]

[Image: ThsFCoc.jpg]

Is it possible to achieve this in Singapore? Wink

A video of the koi swimming around in the drains.

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  Pionner Zone 7
Posted by: j0krJag - 06-01-2022, 01:19 PM - Forum: Notice Board - No Replies

Hey, just putting out the Pioneer Zone 7 RC social media links here for those unaware about it.





We can support them too.

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  What did you last study and is it relevant to your current work?
Posted by: MooMooBird - 02-01-2022, 08:03 PM - Forum: Careers and Jobs - Replies (7)

Hello all. I'm curious about whatever you studied in tertiary education ended up being directly relevant to your line of work.

For me, not very relevant. I studied chemical engineering in a local uni and now I'm working for a e-commerce company (not gonna name it), mostly focusing on optimising its operations.

There's still a little relevance I guess, as the scientific methods and data analysis skills I learned in chemical engineering are employed at my job every day. But obviously, I'm not dealing with chemicals anymore.

What about you guys? Looking forward to reading your experiences.

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  Video of an orang-utan driving a golf cart
Posted by: NewtonsAdamsApple - 31-12-2021, 05:14 PM - Forum: Pets, Animals, and Plants - Replies (8)

Firstly, it's amazing how the orang-utan managed to learn how to drive the golf cart. The video seems real as its steering matches up with the direction of the golf cart.

Secondly, why does it drive like so many uncles? Laugh

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  how do you manage your kids mother tongue fluency?
Posted by: Autumnn - 25-12-2021, 05:46 PM - Forum: Family and Education - Replies (6)

hello fellow parents, I'm wondering how you make sure your kids are fluent in their mother tongue?

my husband and I try to mix in spoken Chinese when we communicate with our kids but it doesn't seem to have a great effect because:
1. our Chinese isn't that fluent in the first place
2. they watch mostly English media

so please share if you have any tips.

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