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  Cost vs. Retail Price of each phone model
Posted by: shiv - 19-12-2021, 07:57 PM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (2)

I saw this and I thought it's quite interesting. 

Basically, a comparison of the Production Cost vs. Retail Price (USD) vs. Profit Margin of some popular phone models.

[Image: Ap2dYBM.png]

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  The prettiest sandwiches in the world?
Posted by: canary1990 - 18-12-2021, 08:20 PM - Forum: Food and Cooking - Replies (8)

[Image: 317Btb4.jpg]

I saw a video on Youtube about this fruit seller in Japan who decided to start selling fruit sandwiches. He uses a lot of cream and sliced fruits to make these beautiful sandwiches!

They are quite pricey at around 1000 yen (I think) but looking at the amount of work that goes into each sandwich...maybe worth it?

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  Soon, your car's features will be subscription-based
Posted by: NewtonsAdamsApple - 17-12-2021, 05:05 PM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (3)

Toyota and BMW are testing out features-as-a-service models, where you have to pay a monthly subscription fee to use features such as remote start, adaptive cruise and heated seats.

Quote:For 2018 to 2020 vehicles with a remote start function on the key fob, the feature will work for three years over a "trial period." Even though an owner's fob features the button, the function will be deactivated after that three-year timeframe. To regain the remote start feature, owners will need to shop the brand's Connected Services for Remote Connect. The price is $80 per year or $8 per month, which also includes a host of other digital functions available through the Toyota smartphone app.

From https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/news/toy...uxbndlbing

Quote:You may recall, BMW already demoed a program like this in 2018 by charging for limited-time access to Apple CarPlay. At the time I called this "next-level gouging" and I wasn't in the minority, the reaction being so negative that BMW eventually scrapped the program.

Yet this new move basically takes that approach and brings it to another level. Imagine pressing the seat heater button only to be prompted to renew your subscription, or having to pay extra to get an engine note on your new M4 that suits your sensibilities. All this is possible -- and likely. And, frankly, ugly.

From https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/bmw-v...MSFf70f0e2

Paying an additional $8 a month or whatever is small change compared to the cost of the car, of course, but it's the principle that troubles me. Pay for the car AND COE not enough, still must pay monthly fees to enjoy the car to its potential? That's BS.

And what if Toyota or BMW doesn't just stop there? If their customers go along with this subscription model, what's stopping these companies from moving even more features or even the more essential features onto a pay-as-you-use model?

Automobile companies must have been looking at how other industries such as software, healthcare, and food delivery are raking in profits and felt inspired to do the same with their cars. 

Your thoughts?

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  Memories of old Singapore
Posted by: ScornfulScone - 16-12-2021, 11:03 AM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (79)

Found this when I was surfing the web. Any else remember these MRT card designs?

[Image: r2NYjnA.jpg]

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  Reblessing stuff thread
Posted by: Blobfish - 14-12-2021, 06:00 PM - Forum: Meet Up - No Replies

Hi everyone,

This thread isn't only for nerf guns, if you guys got anything that wants to re-bless do post it here. 

I was just curious if anyone got any spoiled nerf guns that they don't want and don't mind me having them to try fix it?

I'll start I got a spoiled nerf gun (Elite 2.0 Echo) that I tried to open to fix but the gun is glued up so I didn't open it in the end. 

If anyone wants it to try to fix it or to just play with it do let me know Big Smile 


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  Info regarding nearby primary schools
Posted by: ntuieee - 12-12-2021, 10:04 PM - Forum: Family and Education - Replies (2)

There are quite a few primary schools (west grove, boon lay garden, frontier, jurong west primary, westwood, corporation primary school, lakeside primary school, xingnan) within Jurong West/Boon Lay area. I would like to know more about their ranking, culture, management, teachers, etc.

Any ex-students or parents can share more info regarding those schools? Thanks a lot!

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  Courier/delivery service
Posted by: arthur - 08-12-2021, 11:15 PM - Forum: Notice Board - No Replies

I had a very positive experience with a courier service recently and I'd like to recommend it to anyone looking for such services.

Needed some gym equipment delivered from CCK to my place a few days ago and Shanna (https://www.carousell.sg/p/delivery-move...129072907/) did the job at a rate 30% lower than the next cheapest option.

She was also cheerful and easy to communicate with.

You guys may want to consider her company if you need delivery done.

(This isn't a sponsored post or a paid advertisement.)

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  Does meritocracy exist in your workplace?
Posted by: kxingstar - 07-12-2021, 03:47 PM - Forum: Careers and Jobs - Replies (9)

While having a chat with a close colleague a while ago, we basically agreed how our current office is probably the most meritocratic one we've both worked in. 

It seems like anyone—no matter your education background, race, or nationality, is able to get promoted or raises as long as you do your job very well. I think it helps that it's a small company so the boss has good personal oversight on everyone's performance. Unfortunately, it's a small company (less than 15 people) so there aren't a lot of high positions or salaries to go around. -_-

But even then, I feel like this is better than some of the much bigger companies I worked at before because working life seems more fair. At the same time, I should also mention that I'm a mom now and my combined salaries with my husband's feel enough for us to give our kids a decent upbringing. So I will understand if some readers prefer bigger companies with a higher wage ceiling.

At one of my ex-companies (300 people in Singapore office), there's a lot more talk from senior management about how good work will be rewarded but that didn't seem like the case. There were quite a number of high-performing colleagues who were somehow stuck in junior to middle positions. 

And there were a couple of people who didn't really seem like the best performers, to put it politely, but were promoted every year or so. Through the grapevine, I learned that they were really well connected. Like, born into rich and powerful families kind of well connected.

What about your experiences? I think it's important to share because like what the description of this forum says, we should make ourselves smarter employees. Smile

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  Walking and making friends in neighborhood
Posted by: Eunsang - 04-12-2021, 06:35 PM - Forum: Meet Up - No Replies

My name is Eunsang, Nice to meet you, neighbors ! 

Does anyone have an interest to take a walk or have a light workout at our neighborhood park? 

looking for buddy to take a walk or light bodyweight workout at park to sweat and keep ourselves fit and healthy! 

Terribly sorry but it's only ladies are welcome, and even pregnant mummies are most welcome ! I'm pregnant Smile

We can set up our time at our convenience. 

Looking forward to your replies !

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  Cafe and restaurant food made for Instagram but not your mouth
Posted by: Icicle - 03-12-2021, 04:25 PM - Forum: Food and Cooking - Replies (26)

I know it's a weird thread title but let me explain what I mean.

My best friend and I wanted to open a cafe so we were doing research on the kind of food other cafes or restaurants serve. In the process, we found so many ridiculous food items that were obviously made for attention but not for the convenience of the person actually eating them.

COVID hit and we had to postpone our plans for a cafe. However, my collection of terrible cafe food items remains on my laptop and I wish to share them with you.

Cafe owner: Eh you know ah, broccoli feels too healthy. That's why not many people order. We have to make it look less healthy.
Cafe chef: I can deep fry la. Then add a lot of salt and sauce.
Cafe owner: No no no not unhealthy enough. It should actively harm the diners.
Cafe chef: Okay I got idea.

[Image: AqZi9wa.jpg]

Owner: Eh bro as you know ah, we are a restaurant that overcharges customers by 800%. But how can we make them feel like every bit of their dining experience is worth the price?
Chef: Okay I got idea.

[Image: 8QIMCZy.jpg]

Owner: Eh bro. Our cafe not cool enough.
Chef: Okay I got idea.

[Image: DvjkFre.jpg]

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