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  Home Cooking / Eating at home
Posted by: Destiny - 03-12-2021, 03:42 PM - Forum: Food and Cooking - Replies (30)

Who here cooks very often? Share what you cook? I’m super running out of ideas what to cook!!!

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  wishing all malaysians living in SG a happy reunion soon..
Posted by: crispy - 30-11-2021, 02:19 PM - Forum: Family and Education - Replies (5)

i know there are many malaysian people living here in jurong west...hope you can reunite with your family soon Smile

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  Sharing cute and funny videos of animals
Posted by: Kurihara - 27-11-2021, 05:43 PM - Forum: Pets, Animals, and Plants - Replies (666)

I like watching animals on youtube to relax. Luckily there are so so so many cute videos out there.
First video I wanna share is of my new favourite animal, the small-clawed otter! 
If you've seen the otters that roam in our parks and canals, you'll know how expressive and mischievous they can be. 

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  Runners Fall-In!
Posted by: io7891 - 26-11-2021, 09:44 AM - Forum: Meet Up - Replies (7)

Hi Neighbours.. Any casual runners here that jogs at night or morning? Finding a buddy keeps the motivation high.. 

I try to jog 2 to 3 times a week..

Average speed 8-9km/h.. 

Was thinking we can setup a running group or running clinic (if any pro here can train us).. 

I'm at 659D btw~

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  Napping during office hours
Posted by: arthur - 25-11-2021, 06:10 PM - Forum: Careers and Jobs - Replies (4)

I know most bosses and managers will be skeptical of employees taking a short nap during working hours, if not outright reject such a suggestion. 

However, it seems that there are benefits associated with getting a quick rest after lunch.

If you can convince your manager/boss (or if YOU are the boss), napping may be a habit worth trying out.

[Image: rq5wpHt.png]

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  PSLE results release tomorrow
Posted by: Destiny - 23-11-2021, 10:57 PM - Forum: Family and Education - Replies (17)

Good Luck to all the 12 year olds taking their PSLE results tomorrow!!

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  The importance of taking proper lunch breaks
Posted by: arthur - 22-11-2021, 11:04 PM - Forum: Careers and Jobs - Replies (3)

I've been browsing through bestselling author Daniel Pink's book When

While it's only vaguely related to my line of work, I found a number of tips that should be quite useful for some of you.

I'll be uploading some of the tips in a short digestible format and I hope they'll help you out.

[Image: BDgEWLE.png]

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  Value shopping tips at Fairprice
Posted by: arthur - 19-11-2021, 06:36 PM - Forum: Chit Chat - Replies (5)

Spreadable cream cheese ($6 and below)

[Image: HKd8Zhr.jpg]

I still find Philadelphia Cream Cheese (original) to provide the best value in this category. It tastes perfectly creamy and cheesy (the very reasons why I want cream cheese). Usually $5.50 for 250g. However, I'm not the only shopper at JP's Fairprice Xtra to notice this, as this product is often sold out. Don't confuse this with Philadelphia Cream Cheese (light), as I'll explain later.

If Philadelphia Original isn't available, Emborg Cream Cheese is a passable backup. But it's a distant second as the taste is noticeably lighter and not as cheesy. 

But please avoid SCS Cream Cheese. Its packaging is similar to Philadelphia Original's; SCS knows what they're doing. Suggestive But the flavour is almost nonexistent. At this point, you're better off buying butter.

And if you're like me—buying cream cheese for the creaminess and cheesiness, also avoid Philadelphia Light. It costs the same as Philadelphia Original but tastes like a cheaper brand. Of course, it may still be a decent choice if you want cream cheese with lower fat content. But taste-wise, let's just say there's a reason why Philadelphia Original is often sold out and Philadelphia Light is always available.

Cheap everyday sliced bread

[Image: k79rTve.jpg]
If you take a look at the nutritional information of both products, they're exactly the same. It's extremely likely that Bonjour Bakery is also the manufacturer of the Super Value generic brand. Of course, Super Value is 20-30% cheaper (if I remember correctly) than Bonjour.

Dental Floss

[Image: dnfdYXD.jpg]
Oral-B Essentialfloss is a good product as it doesn't shred easily unlike some other brands I've tried. However, it's not fairly priced at Fairprice (more than $5). It's available on Carousell typically from $2.50 to $3.90. It used to be sold in those Value$ outlets at $2.50 but sales have been discontinued, for some reason.

Do you have any other tips for shopping at Fairprice? Please feel free to share here!
Or if you have any non-Fairprice value shopping tips, don't be shy to start a new topic.

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  Any ex-students or parents of current students in nearby secondary schools?
Posted by: kxingstar - 19-11-2021, 02:40 AM - Forum: Family and Education - Replies (6)

My kid is still a couple of years away from sec school but I think it's a good idea for me to learn more about the schools in the area first. 

So if you have any inside information about the secondary schools in the Jurong West/Boon Lay or even larger Jurong area, please feel free to share with me and other parents on this website.

To be more precise, I wish to learn about the school's teachers, the culture, management, and how well the students generally do after graduating.

Thanks!!  Smile

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  A tribute to the once-great Power Nasi Lemak
Posted by: AroyMakMak - 17-11-2021, 04:58 PM - Forum: Food and Cooking - Replies (7)

Years and years ago, us Westies could depend on the famous stall in Boon Lay Place Village Village for one of the best plates of nasi lemak in Singapore. 

However, things seemed to change when Power Nasi Lemak started to become commercialised, with outlets opening all around Singapore and even in Changi Airport.

The chicken no longer stayed crispy, the egg yolk no longer runny, and the rice became clumpy. Luckily, the sambal more or less remained the same.

They're an amazing business story, but too bad for us food lovers in the west, the overall quality dropped.

Still, many good memories remain. I wish them all the best.

[Image: DSCN1803-JK.JPG]
Photo taken from here.

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