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Anybody has good recommendations for this kind of Malaysian food in Singapore, especially the tempoyak?

(29-12-2022, 02:53 PM)AroyMakMak Wrote: [ -> ]Anybody has good recommendations for this kind of Malaysian food in Singapore, especially the tempoyak?

for those who haven't tried tempoyak before, it's a really crazy ingredient. super concentrated durian and salty flavour. so intense but it goes so well with rice.
(29-12-2022, 02:53 PM)AroyMakMak Wrote: [ -> ]Anybody has good recommendations for this kind of Malaysian food in Singapore, especially the tempoyak?

Isn't this Mark Wien's friend?
Saw this video and thought some of you wine lovers will like it too..a trained korean sommelier pairing wine with fried 'spare parts' in an osaka restaurant.

(02-01-2023, 03:16 PM)krustyyy08 Wrote: [ -> ]Saw this video and thought some of you wine lovers will like it too..a trained korean sommelier pairing wine with fried 'spare parts' in an osaka restaurant.

Is it just me or does this guy look like a channel 8 actor?
(03-01-2023, 07:41 PM)totoro08 Wrote: [ -> ]Is it just me or does this guy look like a channel 8 actor?

LOL I know what you mean but can't quite remember that actor's name.
(04-01-2023, 11:38 AM)k.ng Wrote: [ -> ]LOL I know what you mean but can't quite remember that actor's name.

Zheng Ge Ping?

[Image: LpfTDB8.jpg]
(02-01-2023, 03:16 PM)krustyyy08 Wrote: [ -> ]Saw this video and thought some of you wine lovers will like it too..a trained korean sommelier pairing wine with fried 'spare parts' in an osaka restaurant.

Cool channel. I don't know much about wine but I wish to learn more so this guy's videos are very helpful.
(05-01-2023, 12:35 PM)ScornfulScone Wrote: [ -> ]Zheng Ge Ping?

HAHA yes that's it!
(01-01-2023, 11:58 AM)Icicle Wrote: [ -> ]Isn't this Mark Wien's friend?

Yeah they're good friends. Sometimes travel and film together.